Baidu conducts test runs with unmanned vehicles in Wuzhen, Zhejiang province. [Photo provided to China Daily]
China's first guideline on road tests of autonomous vehicles was released on Monday by local authorities in Beijing, signaling the country's determination to accelerate the development of the technology.
细则划定,在中国境内注册的自力法人单元(independent entities registered in China),可申请主动驾驶车辆姑且上路行驶台北機車借款,。主动驾驶车辆须具有主动、人工两种驾驶模式(self-driving and conventional driving modes),可在两种模式间随时切换。为包管平安,测试车辆在上路测试前,必需在主动驾驶封锁测试场举行过很多于划定里程与划定测试情况的测试(finish tests with certain mileage at the designated training ground),测试成果经专家评审认定,具有前提才容许上路测试。
上路后,测试单元应采办不低于500万人民币的交通变乱责任保险(traffic accidents liability insurance)或供给很多于500万元的主动驾驶门路测试变乱补偿保函(letter of guarantee for damage compensation of self-driving road tests accidents)。
对测试驾驶员的请求,细则指出,测试主体应与测试驾驶员签定劳动合同;测试驾驶员理当持有灵活车驾驶证(drving license),具备三年以上平安驾驶履历,无酒驾、毒驾履历(with no record of DUI)。